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Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique. (Oxford English Dictionary).
Mindfulness is simply a method of mental training which can, over time, bring about long-term changes in mood and levels of happiness and well-being. It can help us become more aware of our thoughts and feelings and so instead of being overwhelmed by them, we are better able to deal with them.
A recent report from 47 clinical trials involving 3,000 participants (Dr. Madhav Goyal, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, January 2014) (see Journal Paper here) suggests that mindfulness produces measurable improvements of up to 20% in symptoms of anxiety and depression compared to people who practise another activity, and can also help alleviate feelings of stress and enhance the quality of life.
The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (see the NICE website) recommend mindfulness-based cognitive therapy in the management of depression.
Please find below a free recording that you may find helpful: “Gateway to Mindfulness”
Creative Visualisation
Creative visualisation is the cognitive process of purposefully generating visual mental imagery. [Wikipedia]
Evidence suggests that our mind plays an important role in the creation of our experience, and therefore it may be possible to ‘program’ our mind and body to act in a certain way to gain positive results. (see The use of creative visualisation can contribute to emotional change, facilitate relaxation and alleviate stress and anxiety.
Please find below a free recording that you may find helpful: “Gateway to Creative Visualisation”
These recordings are for your personal use only. The material is copyrighted and may not be sold, duplicated or disseminated in any way.